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Break a STORE into several files

You can use the "mixStores" tool to merge multiple SETUP-STORES.
To be able to distribute the code on more files

import { mixStores } from "@priolo/jon"

const setupBaseAbstract = {
state: { ... },
getters: { ... },
actions: { ... },
mutators: { ... }

const setupConcrete = {
state: { ... },
getters: { ... },
actions: { ... },
mutators: { ... }

const setup = mixStores(setupBaseAbstract, setupConcrete)

Improve performance (with MEMO)

This library offers the bare minimum
For the rest, use the official "react" systems
To optimize a component that uses STOREs:

import React, { useMemo } from "react";
import { useStore } from "@priolo/jon";
import myStore from "stores/mystore";

export default function Cmp () {

const state = useStore(myStore)
const { setValue } = myStore

return useMemo( ()=>(<div>




Here we render ONLY IF the value property of the state changes.

Bind two value of distinct STOREs


import { createStore, addWatch } from "@priolo/jon"

const setup = {
state: {
value: "init value",
mutators: {
setValue: (state, value) => ({ value }),

const store1 = createStore(setup)
const store2 = createStore(setup)

// bind "store1.value" with "store2.value"
store: store1,
actionName: "setValue",
callback: ({ type, store, key, payload }) => {
const store1 = store

Use the "store" parameter as if it were "this"

You can use the "store" parameter as the object that contains the getters / action / mutators in order to refer to them

actions: {
fetchCropCycles: async (farmId, store) => {
const { data } = await farmApi.index(farmId)
mutators: {
setCrops: crops => ({ crops }),

Mutate multiple variable

mutators: {
// change a variable of the STATE (boring)
setValue: (value, store) => ({ value }),
// changes two variables of the STATE
setValue12: ({value1, value2}, store) =>
({ value1, value2 }),
// changes a property of a variable of the STATE
setSubValue: (name, {state}) =>
({ user: { ...state.user, name } }),
// conditional modification of the STATE
setValueHasChanged: (value, {state}) =>
({ value: value, valueHasChanged: state.value!=value }),

Using a "store" inside another "store"


import { createStore } from "@priolo/jon"

export default createStore({
actions: {
dialogOpen: (_, store) => {


import { createStore } from "@priolo/jon"
import layoutStore from "../layout"

export default createStore({
actions: {
save: async (_, store) => {

Using a "store" in an external function


import userStore from "stores/user"

export function async apiIndex () {