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It allows you to observe a STORE.
You can intercept when the STORE performs an action or a mutator.


Inserts a WATCHER into JON

addWatch( watcher:Watcher )


Removes a listener from JON
if actionName is null delete all listener of STORE
if callback is null delete all listener of actionName

removeWatch( watcher:Watcher )


Identifies a callback called when a specific STORE action/mutator is executed

interface Watcher {
store: Store,
actionName: string,
callback: WatchCallback,
  • store
    STORE instance to be observed
  • actionName
    name of the 'action' or 'mutator' to be observed
  • callback
    Function executed when 'action' or 'mutator' are called (msg: WatchMsg) => void


Data of an event that occurred in a STORE.

interface WatchMsg {
store: Store,
key: string,
payload: any,
result: any,
subcall: boolean
  • type
    Type of event, may be: mutator, action
  • store
    STORE instance that generated this event
  • key
    Name of the action or mutator that generated this event
  • payload
    Parameters sent to the action or mutator
  • result
    Value returned by action
  • subcall
    true if it is a call from another action